Tuesday 16 August 2011

What I've Been Up To

First of all, this arrived in the post the other day. I absolutely love it. I have already read one of Charles Burns' comics and not only do I love his style of art but he writes the weirdest stories too which is an added bonus. I also ordered another book by him but Waterstone's are having trouble getting hold of it apparently, even though they have it for sale... -_- Anyway, take a look at his work! 
My Jungle Fever print arrived today. It actually came out the right size so I'm chuffed with that.

These are my three final pieces. I'm unhappy with the cuckoo clock because I can't colour, clearly. I will re-do the middle of nowhere piece because it's not perfectly aligned in the centre and this annoys me. But I'm quite happy with Jungle Fever sooo, that project is nearly at an end! Hurrah... 

Also, today I was going to the doctors with my mum in the car and someone went straight into the back of us as we slowed for a mini roundabout. This annoys me because I was supposed to get rejoined with the doctors in my home town after being at Uni and that didn't happen because I went to hospital instead. I had also planned to buy some new pyjamas so I'm quite put out. I'm OK though, unless I have internal bleeding and die. Other than that it's just a sore head. -_-

Maybe I'll draw a new kitty and bear picture to illustrate my frustration. 


  1. sorry to hear about the crash! D: ouchhhh! your work is really good, i like the middle of nowhere one best i think :) xx

  2. Indeed, the man at the hospital said, it will feel worse tomorrow. YAY! XD It already bloody hurts now! And thankyou, I like it too but I wish i'd of drawn it sliiiightly more to the left :p So I'ma do it again! xx
